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We have a highly unique collection of very significant locomotives.

But there is a catch!
We have to keep them running!

old history photo of locomotive 401

Our Challenge

Operating vintage steam and diesel locomotives comes at a high cost. It is our mission to keep these marvels of engineering rolling down the track, but we can't do it alone! As with any machine parts wear out or break and we can't call on Alco or Baldwin to get new ones. This means we have to fabricate many of the parts ourselves or have them specially made for us.

Each locomotive has its own set of challenges.

Locomotive #40 is undergoing its mandatory boiler rebuild while at the same time undergoing a complete overhaul.

Locomotive #801 is completing a complete restoration to service.

Locomotive #401 is being moved back to East Ely.

Locomotive #201 requires a full restoration.

Why put so much effort into these old locomotives?

Our locomotive fleet is one of a kind. Here original steam locomotives purchased for the railroad over a century ago work side by side with first generation diesel locomotives in the original enginehouse, on the original tracks, operating like they did when they were first brought here. It is the mission of the NNRy museum to continue to operate these as a living monument to the hardworking men and women that came before us.

photo of locomotive 401
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Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday - 8:00am - 4:00pm

Our Location

1100 Ave A, Ely, NV 89301

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