You, Becoming an Important Part of Railway History

Without your help and support the Nevada Northern Railway would be just a memory with a bit of overgrown, abandoned roadbed. Together, you, and the rest of the world-wide community that cares, have pitched in to make it "The most authentic, and best cared-for" railroad on the continent.

How the Museum Operates

As an independent, non-profit 501(c) historic foundation, the mission of preserving what is one of the last real American short-line railroads is on all of our shoulders.

In September 2006, the Nevada Northern Railway complex at East Ely was designated a National Historic Landmark. This was an earmark achievement for the museum. With it comes an increased responsibility for stewardship of the property, but, unfortunately, no direct general funding from state or national resources.

Your membership is vital to keep the museum in operation. Will you join the thousands of railfans and historians around the world in this cause?


You can join or renew your memberships today by selecting any of the options listed in this section.

All Members get a 20% Gift Shop Discount AND 20% Discount on ALL Hands On History Experiences Including Be The Engineer & Railroad Reality Week!

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Interested in supporting the NNRY through a Business Sponsorship?

Get in touch by filling out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

**Most of your membership is a voluntary contribution to a non-profit 501(c) historic foundation. Consult your tax advisor for a possible tax deduction.

**If you are unable to complete membership on-line, simply print out the form and mail a check. Membership Form.

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Business Sponsorship Form

Fill out the form and a representative from the NNRY will contact you as soon as possible.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday - 8:00am - 4:00pm

Our Location

1100 Ave A, Ely, NV 89301

The Rail Report: NNRY’s Official E-Newsletter

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