Nevada Northern Railway Historical Documents and Photos

Explore the rich history of the NNRY through our valuable historical documents and photos

NNRy Archive Department

The Archive Department was established in 2019 to catalog, preserve, digitize and make available the vast paper record of the NNRy. The archive is hosted on an online searchable database called Luna and has been broken in to the following collections:

Use of the Archives

Researchers, genealogists, authors and others can purchase high resolution scans of items in the collection after reviewing the terms and conditions and signing a usage agreement. Pricing is determined on a case by case basis based upon intended use and distribution. All proceeds from these sales are used in the continued care of this amazing collection.

For more information, contact the Archivist at:

NNRY employees standing on top of train

NNRy Employee Profile Collection Program

This program shares the individual stories of the employees of the NNRy, the mine, the smelter and the general offices through online profiles connecting to the Archive collection. To build the collection, the Archive Department is accepting nominations for the program. The only requirements are that the nominee had to have worked for the company here and a profile picture needs to be provided (if one is not already in the archive).
To submit a nomination, simply complete the nomination form.

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Nomination Form

Fill out the form and a representative from the NNRY will contact you as soon as possible.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday - 8:00am - 4:00pm

Our Location

1100 Ave A, Ely, NV 89301

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