
Facing the Future

Our railroad heritage is facing a very serious threat: it is disappearing, leaving nothing for the future. The skills and the know-how to keep the steamers steaming are in danger of becoming extinct. If we do not address the problem now, we will lose that heritage forever. Here at the museum, we are working hard

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Lost in Plain Sight

As I became deeper involved with the Nevada Northern Railway, I began to look for things on the railroad. About two years ago, I stumbled upon a little book on eBay on the Nevada Northern. It was titled Sagebrush Shortline and it was a small book about the railroad published in 1964. It was a nice little

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What Are We?

In discussions with staff the other day, the question came up: what are we? Are we a railroad masquerading as a museum or a museum masquerading as a railroad? Good question; the answer to this question determines how we do things. For example, the Hancock inspirator on locomotive 93 has been giving us fits all

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Centennial Recap

The tents are gone and so are the crowds. The Centennial Celebration is behind us. For those of you who could not make it to Ely for the Centennial Celebration, you missed one heck of a party. Set up started on Thursday with the closing Avenue A and setting up the tents. The tents were

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Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday - 8:00am - 4:00pm

Our Location

1100 Ave A, Ely, NV 89301

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