Author name: @maslow

Water, Sewer, and History

Hidden away in north central Nevada is a state treasure so rare and complete that it earned national recognition: the Nevada Northern Railway Museum. This “living museum” is officially listed on the Register of National Historic Landmarks, the highest recognition that can be bestowed by the federal government on a historic property. It is an

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Shop Talk

by Marty Westland, Chief Mechanical Officer “But didn’t you just rebuild 40?” I’ve heard the question dozens of times when visitors see the locomotive in the shop for repairs. So I thought that this might be a good opportunity to explain a little bit about the “care and feeding” of our steam locomotives. As you

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2007 Winter Photos

For the past eight years, the Nevada Northern Railway Museum has hosted a winter photo shoot that we call the Winter Steam Spectacular. Photographers from around the world come to Ely to photograph the railroad in the winter. Why? It is a chance to experience railroading as it was a century ago. Here on the

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Steam and Toilets

There is this myth floating around that the museum has an “off” season; nothing could be further from the truth. Various projects are under way year round, not all of them are directly tied to railroading, but they are all tied to museum development. The big push right now is for toilets. Yes, that’s right

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Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday | 8AM - 5PM
Sunday | 8AM - 4PM

Our Location

1100 Ave A, Ely, NV 89301

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