Author name: @maslow

Saving Our Bacon

We never seem to run out of challenges at the railroad and at times, they become nearly overwhelming. Right now, the bridge repair project is finally in progress, steam locomotive 93 is down for repairs, and steam locomotive 40 is hanging in there while carrying the load, but at ninety-seven years of age, it could […]

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Running steam in the 21st century is a challenge. On June 22, I was the conductor of the 4:30 steam excursion pulled by steam locomotive 93. We have been having axle troubles with 93 for a while, not unexpected on a ninety-eight year old locomotive. Halfway through the trip at Keystone, the engine crew stopped

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Changes Big and Small

The goal of the Nevada Northern Railway Museum is to preserve the Nevada Northern Railway. Simple statement—no real surprises there—but it is a very deceptive statement. Why deceptive? Because you need to ask the question: just exactly what are we preserving? And what does preserving it mean? The concept of preserving the railroad is actually

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Where’s the Museum?

by J. Joan Bassett When you hear the word “museum,” what sort of mental picture do you see? If you’re like most people, you probably see a formal looking building, filled with old dusty things, maybe old pictures, books, and stuffed animals. Sometimes a museum isn’t quite what you expect to see. Some museums can

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Going to Camp

One of biggest challenges facing the Nevada Northern Railway museum is making the museum relevant to today’s society. For a variety of reasons, railroading has gone underground and is slipping out of the public awareness. Oh sure, railroading gets headlines when there is a derailment, but this is not the type of publicity that will

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Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday - 8:00am - 4:00pm

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1100 Ave A, Ely, NV 89301

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