Author name: @maslow

Assembly Bill Introduced to Benefit Musuem

Assemblyman Goicoechea and Senator Rhodes Introduce Bill for the Nevada Northern Railway Museum Assemblyman Goicoechea has introduced A.B. 424 into this session of the legislature to request $800,000 for the Nevada Northern Railway Museum. The bill is jointly sponsored by Senator Rhodes. This money would be used for desperately needed public safety improvements, building improvements,

Assembly Bill Introduced to Benefit Musuem Read More »

The Queen of Steam

If you where within ten miles of Ely last Tuesday or Wednesday, you knew the Queen was back! After an eleven month rebuild, the pride of the Nevada Northern Railway steam locomotive 40 was back in service. As she went through the yard, the engineer used locomotive 40’s whistle liberally. A very distinctive whistle, you

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Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday - 8:00am - 4:00pm

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1100 Ave A, Ely, NV 89301

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