Author name: @maslow

The Race

Spike TV has a new “reality” TV program on called “Pro’s vs. Joe’s.” The theme of the program is ordinary folk take on the professional athletes. The short segment that I saw showed the “Joe’s” getting creamed—big surprise. This got me to thinking about the museum. You see the museum is in a race—a triathlon […]

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Time Travelers Wanted

Most people think of time travel as science fiction. That it is physically impossible. That is not necessarily true. Time travel into the past is possible and one of the time portals is the Nevada Northern Railway Museum. Imagine being transported to a railroad complex in the late 1940’s. As you walk the grounds, cinders

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Where’s the Museum?

The number one question asked by visitors to the Nevada Northern Railway Museum is, “Where’s the museum?” This question is generally asked by a person who is standing between the depot and the transportation building looking puzzled. They come here expecting a traditional museum, such as a building with equipment and displays in it. What

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The Eye of a Newt

Last July I wrote, “Here we are in the mist of our busiest season ever and people want to know when the trains will run next year. So let’s put a kettle on the fire and take a peek in the crystal ball and develop next year’s schedule.” “In developing the schedule we are caught

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New Year Resolutions

In keeping with the season, it is time to make the resolutions for the New Year. 2006 is an important time for the railroad; it’s our Centennial Year! On September 29, 1906 Mark Requa, drove the Copper Spike that announced the conclusion of the building of the railroad from Cobre to Ely. It took the

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Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday - 8:00am - 4:00pm

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1100 Ave A, Ely, NV 89301

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